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Lombrolfe: A Nuzlocke challenge


In this session:

We enter the gate of the elite four. First up is SIdney, the dark type user. The fight goes mostly smoothly, with Turnitup Signal Beaming his way to victory, but a switch was forced against the Shiftry. Did not feel like getting greedy. Phish finishes the job with an Ice Fang. Phish stays in against Sharpedo but an Aqua Jet crit almost ends his career. Fortunately, the Focus Band saves him! He finishes Sharpedo with one last Earthquake. Close call.

Next up is Phoebe, the ghost type user. I'm unsure of whether Ghost should make an appearance. He's very tanky but I don't think it's a good idea to risk so Phish leads and mostly just Crunches his way to victory. Dusknoir gave us a little trouble, but not too much.

Third on this list is Glacia, the ice type user. Having lost Guns, we are a bit softer to ice offensively but we hope to make use of their secondary types to deal serious damage. Turnitup and Moon Unit do a great job clearing most of the team but then comes Glalie. I swap over to Phish who I thought should be able to Earthquake Glalie for super effective damage while getting hit neutral on everything it had. It turns out I am wrong on both counts. Glalie is just ice, not ice steel so earthquake doesn't KO. In addition to that, Glalie has FREEZE DRY. This rips through Phish who is then sent to the grave. You did well Phish. Sorry you had to pay for my mistakes. I look through my team and see that almost everyone is weak to Freeze Dry. I think Glalie is probably pretty slow so I send out Hard Rock to dish out a super effective hit. I miss Stone Edge. Glalie responds with a Freeze Dry crit and Hard Rock is down. Sad times. So far I had been resisting sending Ghost in due to me remembering that Glalie has Crunch. Ghost comes in anyway and finishes the job. We defeat Glacia, but having lost two friends. Thank you for your service, Phish and Hard Rock.

Drake is our next opponent. He's a tough dragon user. At this point, I'm really wishing that we had Phish with Ice Fang but alas, we have to make do. I mostly just use his Altaria as setup bait with Ghost and get to +4 Calm Mind after burning it. I do have to be cognizant that his Salamence has Crunch though so Ghost does take a big hit before he finishes off the Salamence in response. The rest of the team goes down easy.

Our Champion, Steven is up next. We bring out Turnitup who makes good work of the Skarmory although it does set up some Spikes. Turnitup and Moon Unit swap off doing damage to his water-weak team, neatly evading the combo of Armaldo and Cradily. Last but not least is the beast that is Metagross. He mega evolves. Gross. This thing is so fast and hits so hard, but also has insane defenses. I throw a supersonic at it with Moon Unit. I get an opportunistic switch to Ghost and the Metagross hits itself. Perfect. Ghost takes a hit but responds with a Will-O-Wisp. I heal Ghost up. Fortunately, Ghost cis able to OHKO it with Hex after tanking another (weakened) hit. With that, our Championship is confirmed! We enter the Hall of Fame. Three pokemon remaining in the team.

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Updated: Nov 14, 2024

In this session:

We finish marching through Victory road. Just as we were leaving, Wally ambushed. Wobbuffet and Guns gave their live to defend us from the onslaught. Ghost did good work and got the job done. Leaving the cave with only 2 of our 5 pokemon alive, it's time to pull some pokemon out of the box for training. Welcome to the team, Hard Rock, Turnitup, and Phish. We get the super rod and thief to farm some heart scales. This will surely help with getting the new team trained up. On the way over to steal scales from Luvdisc we catch a Corsola in Evergrande! Welcome, Pop rock. With the new moves, we head out to sea for training.

Sea Mauville was a great place to explore and pick up some experience. Got a ton of big nuggets and things seem a little odd about this place... Will come back and discover later. We head to the Shoal Cave where we are assaulted by a Sealeo who eventually decides to get in the ball. Welcome to the team, Swim. After a few tides, we take the ingredients to the bell maker to get a Shell Bell. While training we evolve Phish and Hard Rock. They are now ready for battle. We advance to the Elite Four...

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In this session:

We venture into the cave of origin. After a few hits, SoggyBottom hits a bit too hard and accidentally KO'd Kyogre. Oops. I can't use it anyway.

We then go to battle Wallace for our 8th gym badge. In the final puzzle, I slipped on the ice and had to fight several trainers to get back. Tragedy strikes and FOTConchords takes an Ice Beam to the face from Milotic and dies in 1 shot! Moon Unit comes in and immediately avenges her in a viscous Absorb Recover battle which she eventually won with teeter dance.

We swim east to Evergrande, heads hung low. You will be missed, FOTConchords.

We take a quick detour and fly to the Berry farm to tend to it. While tending to our berry farm, our egg hatches!!!! Welcome to the team, WeirdAl, the Wynaut.

We fly on back to Evergrande to take on victory road, Ghost is expert at getting some cheap kills on Golbats for levels. Our friend WeirdAl quickly levels up and becomes a Wobuffet! We continue on through victory road - spirits rising.

However, not a moment after we were starting to come to terms with the loss of FOTConchords, we get in a double battle with a nasty Cradily and Armaldo. Ghost immediately switches out to Moon Unit so she can resist the SoggyBottom Earthquake and the onslaught sure to be coming from the opponents. SoggyBottom gets off the Earthquake but it does not KO either the Armaldo or Cradily. Cradily responds with a Giga Drain which KOs our dear friend. It was too much for his double weakness. Guns immediately makes that Cradily pay dearly with a Cross Chop.

Having gained another victory, we have lost a friend. There is nothing to do other than continue on our path and make his sacrifice worth it. Goodbye, SoggyBottom.

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